What is Collaborative Divorce in Denver, CO?
Collaborative Divorce is a private and confidential process. Just as in a traditional divorce, each of you will have confidential conversations with your attorney and a strategy for accomplishing your goals, but in the Collaborative Divorce process those goals are reached without destroying your relationship with your spouse or exhausting your financial resources on a court battle. Collaborative Divorce professionals manage this confidential process — in an office, rather than in a courtroom setting — that provides the resources, structure and emotionally safe space needed for a divorcing couple to consider their unique situation and arrive at a mutually-agreeable settlement–outside of the public eye.
In Denver, Colorado, the Collaborative Divorce process is a settlement process that focuses on helping couples find their way to respectful resolutions for their families, creating an emotionally safe environment for the parties to express their interests and goals, and to negotiate and resolve disputes without going to court.
The Collaborative Divorce process recognizes that even though a marriage may be ending, relationships and obligations often continue, especially when children are involved. It allows spouses to formulate agreements that focus on their most important individual and mutual goals. This process helps all family members, even extended family, move forward in a positive way – focused on the future, rather than dwelling on arguments and disputes of the past.
The Collaborative Divorce process results in solutions that enable each person impacted by a divorce – especially children – to have the best post-divorce lives possible. Parents divorcing collaboratively are better able to protect their children from the damaging effects of a highly contentious divorce and preserve more of their mutual respect for each other as parents.
A Collaborative Divorce provides divorcing couples an innovative alternative to a traditional courtroom divorce. In Collaborative Divorce, control isn’t handed over to a judge unfamiliar with a couple’s or a family’s unique circumstances, and who has a very limited time to hear their case. Instead, the divorcing couple works with specially trained Collaborative Divorce professionals — and without court involvement — to arrive at a creative and customized solution that delivers the most positive outcome possible.
Most couples agree that they would prefer to work through the issues of their divorce outside a courtroom. In the Collaborative Divorce process, clients actually sign a contract promising each other to settle all the issues of their case outside of court. They even promise each other that neither will threaten to go to court. When that threat is removed, clients are able to more comfortably and satisfactorily negotiate the issues in their cases.
Collaborative Divorce operates on a family’s schedule. Couples have the flexibility to schedule meetings with their Collaborative team when all participants are best able to meet, unlike the litigation process in which clients may be subpoenaed for depositions and required to attend court hearings without consideration for their schedules.
Collaborative Divorce can be a more cost-effective and efficient process than traditional divorce. It is structured so that divorcing couples work with specially trained professionals to resolve financial, parenting, and other pertinent issues. Not all team members are required to attend all meetings. Couples can realize cost savings by working with a single Financial Neutral, rather than two lawyers. Likewise, couples can realize significant cost savings working with a single Collaborative Divorce Facilitator on the parenting plan that will meet children’s best interests.
What is a Collaborative Team?
Professionals skilled in creating a supportive divorce and avoiding litigation.